Golden Rules for Street Orienteers


Stay safe – stay alive


Wear bright coloured clothes with high contrast colours; if running in a night event, wear white or light coloured clothes.

Take care on roads; look and listen for traffic. Don’t take any chances.

Cross creeks at marked crossing points or bridges. It can be dangerous to cross elsewhere – be particularly aware of the possibility of snakes in long-grass near waterways.

Only cross railway lines and freeways at marked crossing points such as bridges or railway crossings.

The greyed-out area on maps represents PRIVATE PROPERTY – no runners are allowed to run through this area (Note – even if there is a legal way through – if it’s grey – it means don’t go there)

A line with double-marks coming out one side is an un-crossable fence – climbing fences can be dangerous and is not encouraged; it also puts those that cannot climb the fence at a disadvantage – giving the climber an unfair advantage.

Take extra care:

On rough ground or when coming down slopes/embankments

When you’re alone

When conditions are poor – it’s slippery, it’s cold, visibility is poor

Near the end of your course – you’re tired and may not be thinking as clearly as you were at the beginning of the course
The course closes at 8:15 pm. If you are running late and can’t complete by this time, please abandon your course and return to the finish.
On Hot Days

As our weather gets warmer, we find that we sometimes run in very hot or humid conditions. Runners need to take care in such conditions and should:

Hydrate before the run; if you are running that evening, hydrate during the afternoon.

Bring your own water; while we generally bring water/cordial you cannot depend on this. Bringing your own is the most sensible approach.

Take water with you on the run; lots of orienteers take a water bottle to provide fluid replacement during the run.

Take it easy; temperature control will be more difficult in hot/humid conditions. Back of the pace – be sensible.
On Rainy Days

Don’t slip; take care as you take part in the course – one slip could cause an injury that will take months to fix.

Don’t wade creeks; it’s dangerous and it’s not fair to others (that are either unable or unwilling to do so). It may encourage younger participants to try to cross – and we need to teach them good habits.

Visibility is not as good as normal – watch out for cars. Recognise that cars may not see you and cannot stop as quickly as they normally can. The responsibility lies with you.

You can’t hear oncoming traffic as well as normal – be more careful crossing roads.

Fields and ovals may be like a swamp; not necessarily dangerous, but really unpleasant to run through (and not good for your expensive running shoes either).
On Thunderstorm Days
Understand that we will cancel the course in extreme conditions – if the storm is close, abandon your course and return to the start.
It is a common myth that lightning will strike the tallest object. Not true. Lightning will strike the nearest, best conductor of electricity, and that may be you.

Counting the time between the lightning and the thunder clap will give you an idea of how far away the storm is – sound travels 1 Km every 3-4 seconds. But be warned – this is not a lot of comfort – as people have been struck by lightning from a storm that was as much as 5-10 Km away.

If you are in the woods or near trees, find an area protected by a low cluster of trees. Never stand underneath a lone, large tree.

Crouch with feet together and hands on knees if in an open field during a lightning storm. You want to minimize your exposed surface area.

Do not lie flat on the ground (too much surface area). Avoid tall structures, such as towers, fences, telephone and power line poles.

Stay away from lakes, rivers, pools and other bodies of water. Water conducts electricity.

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